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Lillies Candles

Car Fresheners/Diffusers collection

Car Fresheners/Diffusers collection

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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Fragrances Variety

Our Car Fresheners/Diffusers collection offers a variety of options to keep your car smelling fresh and inviting. Our high-quality, long-lasting car fresheners effectively eliminate odors and provide a pleasant driving experience. Choose from our selection of scents to personalize your car's atmosphere.

* Bottle size 8ml


1. Unscrew wooden cap and carefully remove plastic stopper

2. Replace wooden cap until secure

3. Carefully tilt diffuser upside down for about 5-15 seconds until the fragrance starts to saturate the top of the wooden cap.

4. Using the strings, tie and secure the car diffuser bottle around your rearview mirror.

*To refresh your scent repeat step 3

**Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage to car surfaces. Immediately wipe all spills and keep out of reach of children and pets. Do not ingest. (Optional) replace stopper to avoid leaking or spilling.

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